Website - December 16, 2023

REGION guyane

France in South America

Cayenne is the capital of French Guiana, on the northeast coast of South America. Its old town, dating from the 17th century, combines French, West Indian and Brazilian influences. Creole-style houses, in tropical colors, are located near the remains of the French colonial fort of Cépérou which, from the top of the hill, overlooks the Cayenne river. Shops and cafes line the main commercial artery, Avenue du Général de Gaulle

French Guiana is an overseas region located on the northeastern coast of South America, covered largely by tropical forest. The ruins of Fort Cépérou, dating from the 17th century, overlook the capital, Cayenne, with its colorful Creole houses and street markets. Shops and cafes surround the main square known as “des Palmistes” which takes its name from the numerous palm trees that stand there. The suburb of Remire-Montjoly is lined with beaches overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

ariane espace!

Mission to succes

Ariane is the generic name of a family of European civil satellite launchers. The Ariane program was launched in 1973 by CNES to give France the means to put its satellites into orbit without depending on other space powers. This project was preceded by a failure with the Europa rocket. The first version, Ariane 1, made its inaugural flight from the Kourou base (French Guiana) on December 24, 1979. It was quickly replaced by more powerful versions, Ariane 2, Ariane 3 and Ariane 4 which made their first flight respectively in 1986, 1984 and 1988. To cope with the increase in the mass of the satellites, the launcher was completely overhauled, giving birth to the Ariane 5 version capable of now placing more than 10.7 t in geostationary transfer orbit. Its first flight took place in 1996.



2 notables !

  • Soupe calalou antillais aux crabes.
  • Taboulé de Guyanne.
  • Bouillon d'Awara
  • Bami
  • Accras de morue antillais
  • Colombo de poulet des Antilles


  • Rodolphe Alexandre
  • Rodolphe Alexandre, born September 26, 1953 in Cayenne (Guyana), is a French politician. He was president of the regional council of Guyana from 2010 to 2015, then of the assembly of Guyana from 2015 to 2021.
  • Located in the northeast of the South American continent, between Surinam and Brazil, Guyana extends over 91,000 km². The coastal strip runs along the Atlantic Ocean for 350 kilometers. There are the municipalities of Cayenne, Rémire-Montjoly, Matoury, Macouria, Kourou, Sinnamary, Iracoubo, Mana and Awala-Yalimapo. To the west, separating Guyana from Surinam, the natural border is the Maroni River